BC: Throne Speech Promises Second Straight Balanced Budget

Author: Jordan Bateman 2014/02/12

The 2014 edition of a provincial government Throne Speech came and went yesterday, and most people seemed underwhelmed. But there were a few highlights worth repeating, especially the part on fiscal responsibility:

The first step is controlling spending and keeping government small.

British Columbians have to prioritize, make choices, and balance their own budgets. They expect no less from their government.

In June, I called the house back immediately after the provincial election. The members debated and passed the balanced budget.

Controlling spending also means cost certainty and labour stability for taxpayers. This government has reached four labour agreements. Once ratified, these would cover almost a third of the public sector.

I want to thank everyone involved in this process, including the negotiators and labour leaders.

Because of your efforts, British Columbians know that government spending will not spiral out of control. And because of you, union members have a direct financial stake in growing the economy.

Your government will continue to negotiate with unions for longer term labour peace across all other public sectors.

There was a lot of skepticism over the Liberals’ balanced budget claim last year, but (to their credit) they have delivered. They are the second province in Canada to get back in black, and the spending restraint it took to get there should not be downplayed.

Further, they are a model for other provinces to follow in terms of labour negotiations. The BCTF aside, they have a first-rate record of good deals for taxpayers with little disruption. This has saved taxpayers billions.

The BC Liberals are far, far from perfect. The debt continues to explode, and there are still several questionable priorities, but a balanced budget should not be ignored.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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